What you’ll see:
Testing Measures
1RM snatch
1RM clean
1RM split jerk/jerk
5RM & 3RM Back squat
1RM Deadlift
1RM Bench press
3, 4-week blocks for both Fitness & Performance Strength
3 step linear progression with testing week every four weeks
Will build to 1RM attempts in Week 11 (Squatting) and Week 12 for Oly, deadlifts, and bench.
Split jerks and cleans will be worked on in isolation, attempting to increase more dedicated practice for each.
OHS & Front squat pick’em | Allows for athletes to strengthen the catch position of the snatch if this is a goal for them.
If you struggle on the catch in the snatch, pick OHS
If you struggle getting out of the hole on the clean, pick front squats.
Block 1 | Lighter technical focus for snatch & jerks to work on rate of force development, consistent footwork & turnover. Leg drive with pause 1” power clean triples.
Block 2 | Integrating OHS into snatch complex and turnover on power cleans/cleans. Push press + spit jerk block aimed at increasing split jerk speed under fatigue.
Block 3 | Leg drive and turnover with heavier complexes. Moderately heavy split jerk doubles.
Back squats
Performance | 5RM at Week 4
Building to 3RM back squat over 12 weeks. This allows us to work on building maximal strength while peaking our Oly lifts prior to the Open.
Fitness | Box squats
Build volume for hypertrophy with range of motion and rate of force development tactile cue.
Really good technical lift for lifters of all experience-levels.
Fitness | 5RM in Week 8.
Good opportunity to combine Performance & Fitness tracks to work on building strength & size for eight (8) consecutive weeks if desired.
Fitness | Back squats
Progressive wave-loading in Blocks 2 & 3.
Research still seems to favor using straight sets but practical experience does show a potentiation effect for for this loading pattern.
Block 1 | Tempo deadlifts to build capacity and hypertrophy stimulus
Block 2 | Pause deadlifts for positional reinforcement and leg drive
Block 3 | Heavy and consistent doubles
Bench press
Block 1 | Pause bench for technical capacity and arm drive.
Blocks 2 & 3 | Progressive wave-loading similar to squatting.
3-Week handstand walk progression Weeks 5-7
2, 3-week cycles focused on increasing kipping/bar work
Goal | Increase work capacity with descending EMOMs
TTB or pull-up cycling
Goal is to increase technical capacity, whether that means starting to string reps or long kips together.
Bar or ring muscle up
Goal is 30 or more in five minute EMOM format by the end of this cycle
Weeks 1-3 | Muscle Snatch + dip snatch
Weeks 4 | Build to a heavy snatch triple
Weeks 5-7 | Power snatch + hang snatch + OHS
1+1+3, 1+1+2, 1+1+1
Weeks 8 | Build to a heavy snatch double
Weeks 9-11 | 1" Pause power snatch + hang snatch
Weeks 12 | Build to a heavy snatch single
Weeks 13-15 | Open preseason
Weeks 1-3 | Pause 1" power clean triples
Weeks 4 | Build to a heavy clean triples
Weeks 5-7 | 3-point power clean/clean, floor to mid-hang
Weeks 8 | Build to heavy clean doubles
Weeks 9-11 | Power clean + hang clean
Weeks 12 | 1RM clean
Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason
Technical over strength
Weeks 1-3 | Tall jerk 4 sets of 5, 4, 3
Weeks 4 | Build to a split jerk triple at 75-80%
Weeks 5-7 | Push press + split jerk | 3x (1+1)
Weeks 8 | Build to heavy split jerk double @ 80-85%
Weeks 9-11 | Split jerk singles | 5x1 at 75-85%
Weeks 12 | Build to a heavy split jerk single at 85-90%
Weeks 13-15 | off, Open Preseason
Back squat
Weeks 1-4 | 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, Find 5RM
Weeks 5-7 | Pause back squat triples
Weeks 8-10 | 6-4-2-6-4-2 waves
Weeks 11 | Test 1RM
Weeks 12 | Peak Oly
Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason
Front squat/OHS pick'em
Weeks 1-3 | 3-5x3 Pause front squats/OHS
Weeks 4-7 | Heavy doubles/triples FSQ/OHS
Weeks 8-10 | FSQ Clusters 3x1+1+1
Weeks 11 | Test 1RM
Weeks 12 | Peak Oly
Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason
Fitness Strength
Back squat
Weeks 1-3 | Box squat (~12") | Volume
Weeks 4-7 | 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, Find 5RM
Weeks 8-10 | Pause back squat triples
Weeks 11 | Test 3RM
Weeks 12 | Off
Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason
Weeks 1-3 | TNG Tempo deadlifts
Weeks 4 | Build to a heavy triple
Weeks 5-7 | Pause or deficit deadlifts
Weeks 8 | Build to a heavy double
Weeks 9-11 | 3-5x2 reps
Week 12 | 1RM
Weeks 13-15 | Accessory hinge
Bench press
Week 1-3 | Pause bench press
Week 4 | Build to a heavy triple
Week 5-7 | 6-4-2-6-4-2
Week 8 | Build to a heavy double
Week 9-11 | 5-3-1-5-3-1, 3-2-1-3-2-1, 5x1
Week 12 | 1RM
Weeks 13-15 | DB bench
SL Lower Push Accessory Strength
Weeks 1-4 | BB front foot elevated split squat descending tempo
Weeks 5-8 | BB split squat
Weeks 9-12 | 2-DB reverse lunge
Weeks 13-15 | 2-DB reverse lunge from elevated surface
Lower Pull Accessory Strength
Weeks 1-4 | Hip thrusts
Weeks 5-8 | BB RDL | Option for Deficit RDL
Weeks 9-12 | Supported SL DB RDL