When stepping into our Community Fitness classes it may be overwhelming to see all of the different terminology being used.We have created a cheat sheet just for that.

Below you will find common abbreviations and terms used on a regular basis: 

  • AMRAP | As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible. When shown during a workout, this means that the athlete will perform the workout for as many rounds or as many reps as they are able to in the prescribed amount of time.

  • BB | The abbreviation for Barbell.

  • BMU | The abbreviation for Bar Muscle Up.

  • DB | The abbreviation for Dumbbell.

  • EMOM (E2MOM, E5MOM, E10MOM ETC.) | Every Minute on the Minute. 

    • For example: 8 MINUTE EMOM BACK SQUAT, REPS: 3, LOAD: 60%, TEMPO: 2.0.1

    • This means you will be performing 3 back squats at 60% of your 1 rep max every minute on the minute for 8 minutes. Once you have completed your prescribed reps you will rest for the rest of the minute. Next minute rolls around, you begin again.

    • If you see a variation such as E2MOM or E5MOM, that means you have 2 minutes or 5 minutes to complete your prescribed exercises. Any extra time left over in that 2 minutes will be rest time.

  • HSPU | The abbreviation for Handstand Push Up.

  • METCON | Abbreviation for Metabolic Conditioning. A fancy way of saying the conditioning piece.

  • PRONE | When in reference to body position, lying on your stomach, face down. When in reference to hand position, palms facing down, overhand grip.

  • RDL | The abbreviation for Romanian Deadlift. 

  • RMU | The abbreviation for Ring Muscle Up.

  • STO | The abbreviation for Shoulder to Overhead. You will generally see this in a metcon (ooh do you remember what that one means?)

  • SA | The abbreviation for Single Arm. Used when referring to a single arm movement in a workout. For example: SA DB Row = Single Arm Dumbbell Row

  • SL | The abbreviation for Single Leg. Used when referring to a single leg movement in a workout. For example: SL RDL = Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

  • SUPINE | When in reference to body position, lying on your back, face up. When in reference to hand position, palms facing up, underhand grip.

  • TTB | Toes to Bar. Toes to Bar is a gymnastics skill that involves using a kip swing and core strength to move from a hanging position to tapping the bar with your toes.