12-week Macrocycle
Cycle Goals
Re-establish base strength after heavy metabolic work during the Open Preseason and Open Season. Improve kinesthetic awareness on base lifts with pauses and tempo work.
Clean up movement mechanics on major lifts that tend to arise from heavy open prep.
Peak Oly and/or powerlifts in prep for SuperTotal on Saturday, June 8th.
Reintroduce running and re-establishing base running volume.
Peaking for Coalition 5k on Saturday, June 8th.
Performance Strength
Split jerk
Focus | Find your foot position | Most athletes struggle with finding the proper foot placement for the split jerk. You’ll have 8 weeks to work on it .
Macro 1 | Behind the neck jerk from split stance + split jerk
Macro 2 | Jerk balance + split jerk
Macro 3 | Pause split jerk + split jerk
Focus | Bar path and OH strength
Macro 1 | Bar path, second pull & verticality over mid-foot, and OHS to reinforce catch position
Macro 2 | Bar path, leg drive and turnover
Macro 3 | Progressively heavy singles with snatch balance reinforcement for OH position
Focus | Bar-path, first pull, and turnover
Macro 1 | First pull strength & bar path
Macro 2 | Segment cleans for positional strength, leg drive and turnover.
Macro 1 & 2 will finish with EMOMs to find heavy singles for the day in Weeks 4 & 8
Macro 3 | Increasing intensity with decreasing volume. Mixing Clean + Front squat + jerk complexes with heavy singles.
Fitness Strength
Deadlift & Bench Press
Macro 1
Pause work | Rate of force development
Deadlift | Mid-shin work increases focus on leg drive off the floor and finishing strength from a relatively disadvantaged position
Bench press | Pause within 1” of the chest, remain engaged during those pauses!
Speed out of the pause is more valuable than load.
Week 4 | Build to a heavy triple
Macro 2
Deficit Deadlifts
Leg drive from disadvantaged position
Positional overload for leg drive stimulus
Relatively moderate loading to keep rate of force development high
Bench press | Progressive volume build from 4x5 to 6x5 over three weeks with moderately heavy intensities (75-85%).
Week 8 | Build to a heavy double
Macro 3
Heavy triples, doubles and singles with decreasing volume and increasing intensity
Back squat
Macro 1 | Moderately heavy (75-85%) with increasing weekly volume (4x5 to 6x5)
Macro 2 | Pause volume (70%+)
Macro 3 | Heavy intensity, low volume/peaking (mostly 80-90%+)
Macro 1 | Moderate volume-load with tempo at 4.2.1 @ 50-70%
Macro 2 | Moderately heavy volume load (75-85%)
Macro 3 | Speed squats @ 50-60%
For athletes looking to pump up back squat numbers, the program is set up for you to back squat 2x/week if desired. Volume and intensity are balanced over the week between the two tracks so you won’t get obliterated under too much volume-load.
For example, Macro 2 for Performance features pause work, which naturally keeps the intensity tempered as we work on rate of force development out of the hole. Macro 2 for Fitness features a progressive build of volume and load that will challenge maximal motor unit recruitment.
This allows us to hit both ends of the spectrum for maximizing adaptations and increasing force output.
Macro 1 | Balanced duration, intensity, and skill work. Being mindful of overall conditioning volume, especially with increased demands from building back base strength.
Introduce low levels of running, weather permitting.
Running becomes more consistent when the daily low temperatures are 40° or higher.
Macros 2 & 3 | 8-week 5k running program released on Instagram
Aiming for 2x/week running in class in varying volumes with a progressive build in volume over the 8 weeks. Again, weather permitting.
With the increased demand of running, double under/box jump volume will be low to moderate during this period to balance the ballistic stress placed on the joints (feet/ankles/knees/hips/lower back) as well as tendon structures like the patellar/quad tendon and Achilles tendon.
Science nerd note | In dynamic and ballistic movements like running and jumping, tendons are designed to absorb force from the ground and transmit force from the muscles back to the ground to create movement – either vertical oscillation for jumping or a mix of horizontal/vertical oscillation for running.
This will be post-Quarterfinals so it should not impact any athlete participating in that event.