What you’ll see:

  • Testing Measures

    • 1RM snatch

    • 1RM clean

    • 1RM split jerk/jerk

    • 5RM & 3RM Back squat

    • 1RM Deadlift

    • 1RM Bench press

  • 3, 4-week blocks for both Fitness & Performance Strength

    • 3 step linear progression with testing week every four weeks

    • Will build to 1RM attempts in Week 11 (Squatting) and Week 12 for Oly, deadlifts, and bench.

    • Oly

      • Split jerks and cleans will be worked on in isolation, attempting to increase more dedicated practice for each.

      • OHS & Front squat pick’em | Allows for athletes to strengthen the catch position of the snatch if this is a goal for them.

        • If you struggle on the catch in the snatch, pick OHS

        • If you struggle getting out of the hole on the clean, pick front squats.

      • Block 1 | Lighter technical focus for snatch & jerks to work on rate of force development, consistent footwork & turnover. Leg drive with pause 1” power clean triples.

      • Block 2 | Integrating OHS into snatch complex and turnover on power cleans/cleans. Push press + spit jerk block aimed at increasing split jerk speed under fatigue.

      • Block 3 | Leg drive and turnover with heavier complexes. Moderately heavy split jerk doubles.

    • Squatting

      • Back squats

        • Performance | 5RM at Week 4

          • Building to 3RM back squat over 12 weeks. This allows us to work on building maximal strength while peaking our Oly lifts prior to the Open.

        • Fitness | Box squats

          • Build volume for hypertrophy with range of motion and rate of force development tactile cue.

          • Really good technical lift for lifters of all experience-levels.

        • Fitness | 5RM in Week 8.

          • Good opportunity to combine Performance & Fitness tracks to work on building strength & size for eight (8) consecutive weeks if desired.

        • Fitness | Back squats

          • Progressive wave-loading in Blocks 2 & 3.

            • Research still seems to favor using straight sets but practical experience does show a potentiation effect for for this loading pattern.

    • Deadlifts

      • Block 1 | Tempo deadlifts to build capacity and hypertrophy stimulus

      • Block 2 | Pause deadlifts for positional reinforcement and leg drive

      • Block 3 | Heavy and consistent doubles

    • Bench press

      • Block 1 | Pause bench for technical capacity and arm drive.

      • Blocks 2 & 3 | Progressive wave-loading similar to squatting.

  • Gymnastics

    • 3-Week handstand walk progression Weeks 5-7

    • 2, 3-week cycles focused on increasing kipping/bar work

      • Goal | Increase work capacity with descending EMOMs

        • TTB or pull-up cycling

          • Goal is to increase technical capacity, whether that means starting to string reps or long kips together.

        • Bar or ring muscle up

          • Goal is 30 or more in five minute EMOM format by the end of this cycle




Weeks 1-3 | Muscle Snatch + dip snatch

Weeks 4 | Build to a heavy snatch triple

Weeks 5-7 | Power snatch + hang snatch + OHS

1+1+3, 1+1+2, 1+1+1

Weeks 8 | Build to a heavy snatch double

Weeks 9-11 | 1" Pause power snatch + hang snatch

Weeks 12 | Build to a heavy snatch single

Weeks 13-15 | Open preseason


Weeks 1-3 | Pause 1" power clean triples

Weeks 4 | Build to a heavy clean triples

Weeks 5-7 | 3-point power clean/clean, floor to mid-hang

Weeks 8 | Build to heavy clean doubles

Weeks 9-11 | Power clean + hang clean

Weeks 12 | 1RM clean

Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason


Technical over strength

Weeks 1-3 | Tall jerk 4 sets of 5, 4, 3

Weeks 4 | Build to a split jerk triple at 75-80%

Weeks 5-7 | Push press + split jerk | 3x (1+1)

Weeks 8 | Build to heavy split jerk double @ 80-85%

Weeks 9-11 | Split jerk singles | 5x1 at 75-85%

Weeks 12 | Build to a heavy split jerk single at 85-90%

Weeks 13-15 | off, Open Preseason


Back squat

Weeks 1-4 | 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, Find 5RM

Weeks 5-7 | Pause back squat triples

Weeks 8-10 | 6-4-2-6-4-2 waves

Weeks 11 | Test 1RM

Weeks 12 | Peak Oly

Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason

Front squat/OHS pick'em

Weeks 1-3 | 3-5x3 Pause front squats/OHS

Weeks 4-7 | Heavy doubles/triples FSQ/OHS

Weeks 8-10 | FSQ Clusters 3x1+1+1

Weeks 11 | Test 1RM

Weeks 12 | Peak Oly

Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason

Fitness Strength

Back squat

Weeks 1-3 | Box squat (~12") | Volume

Weeks 4-7 | 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, Find 5RM

Weeks 8-10 | Pause back squat triples

Weeks 11 | Test 3RM

Weeks 12 | Off

Weeks 13-15 | Open Preseason


Weeks 1-3 | TNG Tempo deadlifts

Weeks 4 | Build to a heavy triple

Weeks 5-7 | Pause or deficit deadlifts

Weeks 8 | Build to a heavy double

Weeks 9-11 | 3-5x2 reps

Week 12 | 1RM

Weeks 13-15 | Accessory hinge

Bench press

Week 1-3 | Pause bench press

Week 4 | Build to a heavy triple

Week 5-7 | 6-4-2-6-4-2

Week 8 | Build to a heavy double

Week 9-11 | 5-3-1-5-3-1, 3-2-1-3-2-1, 5x1

Week 12 | 1RM

Weeks 13-15 | DB bench

SL Lower Push Accessory Strength

Weeks 1-4 | BB front foot elevated split squat descending tempo

Weeks 5-8 | BB split squat

Weeks 9-12 | 2-DB reverse lunge

Weeks 13-15 | 2-DB reverse lunge from elevated surface

Lower Pull Accessory Strength

Weeks 1-4 | Hip thrusts

Weeks 5-8 | BB RDL | Option for Deficit RDL

Weeks 9-12 | Supported SL DB RDL
