Testing measures for this cycle:
Performance 1-RMs
Clean & Jerk
Back squat
Fitness 1 RMs
Back squat
Bench press
Work Capacity
1000m Ski
2500m-10,000m Bike
1000m-2500m Row
What you’ll see:
4, 3-week blocks
2-Step technical progression model followed by a heavy singles EMOM every three weeks for consistent heavy prep
3, 3-week block followed by a testing week for back squats in Week 10
3-Step technical progression with minor loading re
Heavy split jerk and push press progressions
Lots of technical loading for the split jerk
Heavier strength and hypertrophy focus this cycle
Moderate usage of pause reps and cluster sets
Gymnastics shifts to maintenance mode
Work capacity
Slight increase in longer, steady state conditioning
Slight Increase in 3-part WODs
Performance Strength
Snatch and clean
Cycle 1 | Technical | Balance over mid foot through the 1st to 2nd pull transition, postural strength, OHS for shoulder stability
Cycle 2 | Technical | First pull | Leg drive and postural strength, snatch balance for dynamic shoulder stability
Cycle 3 | Leg drive & Turnover
Cycle 4 | Peaking | Clean + FSQ (+ Jerk) to reinforce leg strength and leg drive in the jerk
Technical work will mostly be in the 60-80% range
Cycles 1-3 will end with an EMOM to test heavy singles
Split jerk
Cycle 1 | Split jerk balance + split jerk, Pause push press
Cycle 2 | Split jerk triples & doubles, Push press
Cycle 3 | Front squat + split jerk, Peak push press
Cycle 4 | Integrate with front squats & cleans
Front squat
Cycle 1 | 4x6, 4x5, 4x4, 4x3 at 4.0.1
Cycle 2 | 4x5, 4x4, 4x3 Pause front squats
Cap Cycle 2 with heavy triple in Week 8
Cycle 3 | Integrated with cleans & split jerks
Back squat
Cycle 1 | 4x6, 6-6-4-4, 6-4-4-2, 6-4-2-2
Cycle 2 | Cluster progression | 3x3x3, 2x2x2, 1x1x1
Cycle 3 | Build to a heavy triple, double, and single in Weeks 8, 9 & 10
Fitness Strength
Back squat
Cycle 1 | 4x6 @ 4.0.1 | Progressing load
Cycle 2 | 3-4 sets of 8, 9 & 10 reps | Progressing overload with reps, not load
Cycle 3 | Build to heavy 5s, off Week 12
Bulgarian split squat progression
Cycle 1 | Volume block with 10 reps
Cycle 2 | Pauses with moderate volume (4-6 reps at 2.3.1)
Cycle 3 | 5RM cycle, off Week 12
Cycle 1 | Moderate volume, load staggered-stance RDLs
Cycle 2 | Deficit, moderate volume, moderate load
Cycle 3 | Building to progressively heavier singles
80-85-90% weekly progression followed by a peak week
Bench press
Cycle 1 | Tempo volume block at 4.0.1
Cycle 2 | Pause reps at 4x5, 4x4, 4x3 at 2.3.1
Cycle 3 | Clusters at 3x3x3, 2x2x2, and 1x1x1
Cycle 4 | Low volume, high-intensity block, peaking 1RM in Week 12