This 10-week cycle is designed with two outcomes in mind. We will be peaking and working on prepping our athletes for the skillsets needed to succeed in the upcoming West Town Throwdown.
What you’ll see:
Loading and volume will be moderate. Coming off a cycle where we peaked all the major lifts, we are going to use this cycle to build strength through rate of force development (moving moderate loads fast) and improving squat mechanics and postural strength.
Technical Oly with the end goal of improving touch-and-go mechanics with moderate loads.
Gymnastics volume up | We’ll have dedicated skill and strength work designed to build handstand push-up/overhead press capacity and practice kipping for improved toes-to-bar and bar-muscle-ups output.
Lots of pause, tempo and speed work on squats and deadlifts to re-groove movement quality after peaking for the Super Total.
1RM front squat
Pistol & SL squat progressions
This is a bridge cycle that will help with skill and speed development, with an eye on managing neuromuscular fatigue and loading. The rep-maxes will be in the 3-5RM range, as opposed to 1RMs. This allows us to build strength that will provide a quality movement foundation for our heavier cycle coming up after the Throwdown.
Performance Strength
Cycle 1 | Technical & Postural @ 60-75%+
Cycle 2 | Moderate to heavy loading @ 65-85%
Increase time under tension with short to long complexes
Cycle 3 | Moderate to heavy loading @ 75-90%
Each cycle will end with a test 5-rep TNG test day
Cycle 1 | Technical & Repeatable at 65-75%+
Cycle 2 | Moderate to heavy loading (75-85%+)
Heavier technical | Power cleans & hang cleans | Drive explosive power & finishing third pull & getting under the bar with speed & confidence
Cycle 3 | Building technical capacity with complexes under moderate load @ 60-80%
Cycle 1 | Explosive leg drive (push press) with low-to-high moderate loads, 3s pause on all catches to reinforce shoulder stability and OH position
Cycle 2 | Power jerk triples for technique @ 60-80%
Cycle 3 | No jerk complexes to focus on event-specific tasks
Cycle 1 | OH press progression to build base strength
Cycle 2 |HSPU-specific strength
Building strength options:
Deficit strict or strict HSPU
Eccentric overload through ground or on a deficit
Continued OH press progressin
Cycle 3 | Max unbroken reps HSPU or press + back-down volume work
TTB/Kipping/Muscle-up progression
Improve & streamline kip swing mechanics, building base for unbroken TTB/Bar muscle-ups
Cycle 1
TTB | Short to long kip swings
BMU | TTB + Pull-ups/C2B
Cycle 2
TTB | Short to long kips to TTB
BMU | Unbroken muscle-ups for 3-6 reps for technique
Cycle 3
TTB | Max unbroken TTB or closest effort
BMU | 1 set max effort BMU
Front squat
Cycle 1 | 1st rep pause + speed reps @ 2.5.X, 2.6.X, & 2.7.X
Cycle 2 | 5-3-1-3-5 | Building to progressively heavier single and lighter back-off work
Cycle 3 | Peaking 1RM
Back squat | Performance
Cycle 1 | 5.3.1 tempo | Postural demand, re-groove squat mechanics post max out.
Cycle 2 | 5RM cycle
Cycle 3 | Pause and speed work at 50-70%
Fitness Strength
Back squat
Cycle 1 | 5.3.1 tempo
Cycle 2 | 1st rep pause at 2.5.X + increasing reps over cycle
Cycle 3 | 3RM cycle
SL Squat/Pistol Progression
Cycle 1 | Supported deep step-ups
Cycle 2 | Supported pistols
Cycle 3 | Pistols or SL squat capacity
Week 1 | RDL variations
Even weeks | Tempo deadlifts & speed work
Paired with heavier RDLs these weeks
Odd weeks | Building to a heavy triple, double, or single
Light to moderate supported SL & SL varieties
Bench press
Cycle 1 | Alternating DB bench press | Allow shoulders to work through more degrees of freedom after BB heavy last cycle
Cycle 2 | Close-grip bench press @ 60-80% with decreasing tempo over cycle (6.0.1, 4.0.1, 2.0.1)
Cycle 3 | Bench press 3RM
Upper Pulling
Cycle 1 | Banded pulldowns for high volume
Cycle 2 | Landmine bentover row
Cycle 3 | 8RM 1-DB row